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The Children of Mary Religion Camp is a one week resident experience in Christian living. Thanks to Father William Pentis, 2012 will be our 42nd year of happy faces! We live, play, pray, and study together so as to deepen our Catholic faith and live it more fully, while having a whole lot of fun in a highly supervised safe environment. It seems to work as it is common for a camper to ask to stay a little longer at the end of the week!


Our staff are hand picked and must meet high standards for faith, morality, and the ability to work well with kids. In fact, many of the staff are former campers who have been coming back year after year to help provide new campers the same wonderful experiences they had as children! If you are up to the challenge and want to have a lot of fun, please visit the Staff Application Page. Remember to submit all three forms > Application, Emergency Information, and Code of Conduct forms. In addition, all Staff 18 years and older must have completed the Virtus program for protecting God's children and have completed a background check for criminal and sexual offenses. See staff application form for details.

Additional Information

For additional camp information, please contact the Camp Coordinator Dominique May at childrenofmarycamp@gmail.com.